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Test Parameters

This page contains more detailed information about various functional test parameters.


Depending on the test scenario, different parameters might be available.

List of Parameters

The following table shall provide an overview about the most significant functional test parameters.

Parameter Description
Accept all incoming calls If selected it would answer any incoming call. Otherwise it would only accept the calls targeted to the registered user.
Answer Delay Keep ringing for given amount of seconds before answering the call
Audio Codecs Allows to select the audio codecs offered/answered in the call.
Calculate Audio MOS Calulates Audio MOS based on Visqol by Google.
Call Actions Actions to perform during a call.
DTMF Modes Select the preferred DTMF mode for this call
Separate Expires Header Add a dedicated header for the registration expiration instead of including it as a param on the Contact header.
Store Artifacts Store test artifacts such as sent and received audio streams for later retrieval.
Register before call As caller: Perform SIP Registration prior to performing the call.
As callee: Perform SIP Registration prior to receiving an incoming call (if the callee does not register, the peer needs to be aware of the callee IP:port in order to deliver the SIP messages correctly)
Registrations expire after Set expiration value of registrations to the given number of seconds. The party re-registers at around half that value.
Topology Hiding Hide internal agent topology (recommended)

Call Actions

Call Actions allow to control the behaviour of the SIP client during the test. A very commonly used test actions is dtmf, which allow to send DTMF tones at any time of the call.


Please note that test actions are available as soon as the test agent is created and therefore you can already trigger actions before the call is established. In order to trigger actions once the call is established, please refer to the assert_established action.


Keep in mind that the duration of Stop after time limit needs to be long enough in order to cover all actions.

Call Actions Description

The following table provides and overview about the available call actions and their descriptions.

Call Actions Description Example value
assert_established Wait until the call is established. -
wait Wait for given seconds (after the previous action). 5.5
hold Put call on hold (sendonly). -
resume Resume call after hold (sendrecv). -
dtmf Send one or multiple DTMF digits. 12345
reinvite Perform re-invite (without SDP). -
mute Mute outgoing media stream. -
unmute Unmute outgoing media stream. -
dial Dial destination. When used in an active call, a new call leg is established, but not set to active (use hold_and_dial instead). user1000
hold_and_dial Put the call on hold and then dial the specified string. user1000
hangup Hangup the call (sends cancel if the call is not established yet) -
blind_transfer Transfer call directly to another party. user1000
toggle Toggle between two active calls (i.e. put current call on hold, resume other call). -
conference Initiate a local hosted conference with an additional party (3 way call - call legs are combined by the Sipfront agent). user1000
quit Quit user-agent and proceed to next step if any. -

Call Action Example


In order to send DTMF tones once the call is established, the following call actions can be used.

Call Action Value
assert_established -
wait 5.5
dtmf 1
wait 3
dtmf 5

Hold and resume call

This example waits until the call is established, puts it on hold after 5 seconds and resumes the call after another 5 seconds.

Call Action Value
assert_established -
wait 5
hold -
wait 5
resume -

DTMF Modes

This parameter allow to control the DTMF mode. DTMF digits can be sent in Call Actions.

DTMF Modes Description

Mode Description
rfc2833 Send DTMF digits as RTP packets according to RFC2833
inband Send DTMF digits inband of the negotiated media stream